Friday, September 11, 2009

Rob Robinson in the 37th House District

Saturday's special election in the 37th House District presents a clear choice when it comes to environmental, energy and land use issues.
Ruth Briggs King, the Republican candidate, works for the Sussex County Association of Realtors and talks about protecting property rights, a phrase used to argue against environmental and land use protections.
Rob Robinson, the Democratic candidate, chairs the Georgetown Planning & Zoning Commission and has served on the board of the Delaware Preservation Fund. While respecting the legitimate interests of property owners, he seems to understand the threat that unchecked sprawl presents to the natural resources and quality of life in southern Delaware.
The Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club has endorsed Robinson. The two candidates submitted answers to a questionnaire, which were circulated to members without the candidates' names attached. The verdict among members was clear: Candidate #1, who turned out to be Robinson, gave the stronger answers across the board on issues including protecting the inland bays, recycling, and energy conservation.
On this subject, the difference between the candidates was striking. On energy policy, Ruth Briggs King wrote, "I do not believe you can legislate personal responsibility." She sounds more than a little like
Dick Cheney in 2001, when he proclaimed, "Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient basis for a sound, comprehensive energy policy."
Actually, Delaware has made conservation the basis for our energy policy. Senate Bill 106, which Rob Robinson specifically endorsed, and passed the General Assembly with only one dissenting vote, creates energy efficiency resource standards for electricity and natural gas. One candidate is clearly in Delaware's mainstream on forward looking energy policy, while the other sounds like an acolyte of Dick Cheney. As I said, the differences couldn't be clearer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Tommy,
And thank you for joining with us in working for cleaner air. I my imagination I can still see you on the Rehoboth boardwalk speaking to the group gathered there about the possibility of a wind farm off our coast. I believe we’ll see it soon in spite of the tragic economy.
With much respect,
Councilwoman Joan Deaver 19208 Plantation Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. 302-645-6657: (I work for you.)

11:14 AM, September 11, 2009  
Blogger Joanne said...

Rob Robinson has a full page ad in today's Cape Gazette. It includes the Sierra Club logo and the statement that Rob is "Endorsed by the Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club."

How's that for coming a long way? Sussex County with a candidate who not only is endorsed by an environmental group, but proudly displays it.

10:58 PM, September 11, 2009  

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