Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Joe Biden Rocks the Convention

The country just learned something we in Delaware have known for a long time: Joe Biden knows how to deliver a rousing speech. The Democrat's nominee for vice president was introduced by his son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who is leaving shortly for a year-long tour in Iraq.
Joe started by talking about his family, and recounted his mother's admonition: "Champ, when you get knocked down, get up. Get up."
He lowered his voice when he talked about the conversations families are having around the kitchen table:
Should mom move in with us now that dad is gone?
Fifty, sixty, seventy dollars to fill up the car?
Winter's coming. How we gonna pay the heating bills?
Another year and no raise?
Did you hear the company may be cutting our health care?
Now, we owe more on the house than it's worth. How are we going to send the kids to college?
How are we going to be able to retire?
He talked about serving with John McCain for thirty years: "It's a friendship that goes beyond politics." And then he talked about the differences between McCain and Obama, and dared to say that on foreign policy Barack Obama has shown superior judgment. Citing Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran, he repeated the refrain, with the hall joining in:

John McCain was wrong. Barack Obama was right.
He closed by invoking his mother's admonition:
Millions of Americans have been knocked down. And this is the time as Americans, together, we get back up.
When Joe was done, his wife Jill said she had a surprise, and brought out Barack Obama to the cheers of the crowd. He had good reason to be pleased with his selection of Joe Biden as his running mate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, saw you on TV tonight!! Was great to see the DE gang in the spotlight!

Meg H

2:46 AM, August 28, 2008  
Blogger Tom Noyes said...

Thanks Meg.

If exposure to my face could affect the election, then maybe I should hire a publicist.

3:20 AM, August 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your detailed reports Tommy. The CNN reports have become more than I can take with their so-called objectivity! Been looking for you on the CSPAN coverage but have yet to catch a glimpse, perhaps you should were a blue hen cap!
What's your take on the so called feud between Clinton and Obama supporters?

8:41 AM, August 28, 2008  
Blogger Tom Noyes said...

I have seen two street demonstrations of maybe a dozen Hillary supporters.

I have not seen any evidence of friction between Obama and Clinton delegates.

9:42 AM, August 28, 2008  

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