Sunday, July 01, 2007

Unexpected Tactics and Unintended Consequences

Dana at Delaware Watch is positively gushing about the defeat of HB 177:
A new order has emerged in Delaware politics. The old alliances that once exclusively dominated our state have been broken. The tactics of bullying, intimidation, and political threats by party bosses and legislative leaders have lost much of their force. Indeed, they have become laughable.
I will attribute Dana's giddiness to euphoria brought on by sleep deprivation. The defeat of HB 177 came about via a unexpected tactical reaction on the part of House Republicans who, as the News Journal reports,
left Democrats fuming by not supporting the bill:
State Democratic Chairman John Daniello said the defeat shows that the GOP "isn't true to its word."
"This is something that was agreed to and supported by the leadership in all four caucuses," he said. "But I think, in the end, the Republicans thought this would create more problems for us."
Sussex County GOP Chairman David Burris said he encouraged the state party to rethink its position because of the late push for the bill.
As for unintended consequences, how's this from Dana:
On Monday morning I will join the Delaware Democratic Party and I plan to become involved. Very involved.
Welcome to the Party, and bring your friends.
Update: Over at First State Politics, Dave Burris describes how he made the case for bailing on HB 177 to the GOP House caucus:

John Flaherty brought up an interesting point after the vote. “This wouldn’t have happened without blogs.” That’s true. It would not have happened without a coalition of bloggers who played an important role last night, led by Dana Garrett.
In the aftermath, a shocked Mr. Daniello was overheard blaming Chairman Terry Strine for what happened last night. I assure you, Mr. Daniello, it was not Chairman Terry Strine.
It was me.
As the newly picked county chair of a Republican Party trying to make itself relevant in an increasingly blue state, Dave Burris showed the right instincts in opting to come down on the side of open political process.
Meanwhile, Mike Matthews of Down With Absolutes, who got noticed this last week by handing out sausages in Leg Hall, promises more on the story ahead.


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