Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Karl Rove and Sheryl Crow: Touchy, Touchy

Washington has been buzzing about the confrontation between Karl Rove and global warming activists Laurie David and Sheryl Crow. It took place Saturday night at the otherwise soporific White House Correspondents Dinner. Laurie David describes the encounter at The Huffington Post:
We asked Mr. Rove if he would consider taking a fresh look at the science of global warming. Much to our dismay, he immediately got combative. And it went downhill from there.
Apparently, Rove didn’t want to hear it:
In his attempt to dismiss us, Mr. Rove turned to head toward his table, but as soon as he did so, Sheryl reached out to touch his arm. Karl swung around and spat, "Don't touch me."

How uncool is Karl Rove? If Sheryl Crow reached out to touch my arm, I wouldn’t turn away but would turn towards her so that she could rest her hand on my arm for as long as she liked.
But Rove’s lack of cool extends beyond his disdain for rock stars to his inability to notice that Americans are increasingly concerned about the earth’s climate:

A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds that more Americans than ever — 60%, up from 48% a decade ago — believe that global warming has begun to affect the climate. A slightly larger percentage think it will cause major or extreme changes in climate and weather during the next 50 years.
I have to wonder if Bush’s Brain is exhibiting evidence of frayed synapses. I don’t know how many elections he expects the GOP to win as the party of global warming deniers.


Blogger Coeruleus said...

If Sheryl Crow reached out to touch my arm, I wouldn’t turn away but would turn towards her so that she could rest her hand on my arm for as long as she liked.

That's not my arm, that's my...

11:25 AM, April 24, 2007  
Blogger mmahaffie said...

Could this be the proof we were looking for that Rove is in fact not a human being at all....

5:54 PM, April 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to sound partisan, but it was probably a normal masculine reaction.
Knowing she was the sexual partner of probably the most amazing athlete of this decade, he recoiled is self consciousness when she touched his "girlie" muscular arms. Bet he spent some time in the gym that night.........................

12:43 AM, April 25, 2007  

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