Friday, March 03, 2006

What We Have Here is a Failure of Situational Awareness

Eugene Robinson writes in today's Washington Post:
In a way, I'd worry less if I thought the president were being intentionally duplicitous. But I worry that somehow he didn't fully take in the reality of the situation, let alone its gravity. His response was to sign all the right pieces of paper and then reassure others, and perhaps himself, that everything was under control when it should have been obvious that nothing was under control.
Robinson is referring to Katrina, but could just as easily be writing about Iraq.


Blogger jason said...

But I worry that somehow he didn't fully take in the reality of the situation, let alone its gravity.

You could say exactly the same thing about the invasion of Iraq.

1:17 PM, March 03, 2006  
Blogger jason said...


I got all worked up when I read the quote and did not read down to your comment on it.

1:18 PM, March 03, 2006  
Blogger Tom Noyes said...

Thanks Jason. I've noted that you've touched upon the same theme over at Delawareliberal.

1:25 PM, March 03, 2006  

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