Wednesday, February 22, 2006

President Sluggo Sends "Mixed Signals" on Renewable Energy

Sometimes rhetoric does translate into reality -- at least when the president is in town. President Sluggo's visit yesterday to an alternative energy laboratory resulted in the rehiring of 32 employees who were let go last month. As the New York Times reports, Bush attributed the hasty rehiring to "some interesting, let me say, mixed signals when it comes to funding."
The president was referring to an embarrassing sidelight of his State of the Union address on Jan. 31, when he called for new research into alternative energy to help wean the nation from its century-old oil habit. But the next day the laboratory announced that a $28 million budget cut was forcing it to lay off researchers in ethanol and wind technology, two of the areas that Mr. Bush cited in his address as full of promise.
Managers at the laboratory began calling the employees back on Monday, a holiday, and phone calls were continuing on Tuesday. None of the employees were back at work in time for the president's visit, said a laboratory spokesman, George Douglas.


Blogger Coeruleus said...

"coal--it's hard to burn."

I went to the White House website to ask about the depth of Bush's commitment to distributed generation--I mean, $150 million ain't exactly all that much but these days we have to be content with Bush even mentioning solar energy. I can only guess that Secretary Bodman didn't like my question since it never appeared on the "Ask the White House" page...

oh well.

2:26 PM, February 22, 2006  
Blogger Nerd Progre said...

The Bush circus is getting better by the day.

I invite you to read my post on the resident astrologist, the Secretary of War..

Rumsfeld is Nostradamus, shock

Keep the good work!

5:02 AM, February 24, 2006  

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