Thursday, July 28, 2005

The State Department to Biden re Bolton: Yes and No

Joe Biden got his question answered today -- twice as it turns out. In a letter to Condeleezza Rice, Biden asked if Bolton was being truthful when he answered "no" when asked if he had "been interviewed or asked to supply any information in connection with any administrative (including an inspector general), Congressional or grand jury investigation within the past 5 years, except routine Congressional testimony?" The State Department first said that John Bolton responded correctly to the questionaire, but reversed itself later in the day:
WASHINGTON - John Bolton, President Bush's nominee for U.N. ambassador, mistakenly told Congress he had not been interviewed or testified in any investigation over the past five years, the State Department said Thursday.
Bolton was interviewed by the State Department inspector general in 2003 as part of a joint investigation with the Central Intelligence Agency into prewar Iraqi attempts to buy nuclear materials from Niger, State Department spokesman Noel Clay said.
The admission came hours after another State Department official said Bolton had correctly answered a Senate questionnaire when he wrote that he has not testified to a grand jury or been interviewed by investigators in any inquiry over the past five years.


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