Monday, April 27, 2009

Redbird Reef Revisited

As I noted a year ago, the Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control (DNREC) is dumping New York City subway cars into the Delaware Bay, and it's a good thing. According to a DNREC release, the dumping continues:
The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Artificial Reef Program today oversaw the sinking of another 44 New York City subway cars at Delaware’s largest and most popular artificial reef, Redbird Reef.
“The 44 new subway cars are a valuable addition to Redbird Reef,” said Jeffrey Tinsman, reef program manager with DNREC’s Fisheries Section. “The more extensive we can make our reef, the more opportunity we create for greater and more diverse fish and sea life as well as for providing greater fishing opportunities for anglers.”
The reef is named for the manufacturer of the subway cars. DNREC has more on the artificial reef program on its website.
Photo: Gary Cooke, DNREC


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